Sometimes you have to go against the grain and against everything inside of you that tells you not to even attempt to write this genre. I have gotten many doubters from friends and foes alike. But once again we are back to the original focus. It's what I want to do. I've researched many blogs and chat rooms that say men can not write erotica. I say we can. Sometimes it's just a shorter and more to the point view than our counterparts.
This journey has been one not taken lightly. One of my main sources for information about indie writing,, has been instrumental in my finishing this campaign. Independent publishing is quite a labor of love. There were many times I just wanted to give up. Especially at the end. Just getting over that final hump was enough to end it. But, pretty much done in the next couple of days.

Writing a "prequel" just to get my feet wet was a blast. To actually see my book content and cover on and Amazon was almost scary. I was hanging with the big boys and girls. That pushed me over the final hump I just mentioned. My next move is to get the main novel "Rebound: It's just not for Basketball" up and running on and Amazon. Then move on to getting the hard copy printed. Mid July was my time frame and I'm on target.
Thanks to Jacob Drake for formatting, Amanda Kruse for copy editing and a host of friends that read thru all the rough drafts all the while giving me those crazy faces, text and emails. Those are really memorable. I've go at least two more books in me at this point. A "rebound trilogy". I thank you all.
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