Famous Deal Breakers.... ones I've heard of and experienced over the years....
1. She can't have more kids than you have fingers.
2. He can't still live with his mom.
3. All her drama must fit in a handbag not a POD.
4. She at least must have cute feet (reference the movie BOOMERANG)
5. He should have most of his natural teeth or replacements for such.
6. Her youngest kid can't be living at home still trying to 'find' himself. (having never left)
7. Working at a drive thru window is fine if you're at least the manager.
8. 'For real dough' shouldn't be the best exclamation they can come up with.
9. Most of the time you shouldn't be able to out dance your teenage kids.
10. Just because there a a no smoking ordinance, you shouldn't wear the club dress to church the next day.... just saying....
11. 'Their' in normal conversation with them doesn't mean 'they are'
12. Smoking are drinking are personal options, you decide.
13. If their (there's that word again) medicine cabinet looks like a Walgreens Pharmacy shelf......
14. He can't keep calling you the wrong name constantly for over a week. With those names rotating between 2 and 3 other women.
15. When dropping them off after a date, they continually ask you to drop them off a block from home, in front of the Tasty Freeze. (a couple of signs there)
16. If you friend has a sister, mom, niece, aunt, cousin or daughter they want you to meet .......RUN.... the odds are against you.
17. Stinky breath, I mean halitosis....... Not a keeper.. what else smells?????
18. Toes hang out over edge of sandals or heels, run. Never date a gargoyle.
19. You find a box of blood slides behind the night stand ..... Excuse yourself, then RUN.
20. When you meet him for a meet and greet at the local Starbucks and the workers greet him by name and keep smiling and pointing at the two of you as you get to know one another... RUN
21. She or He constantly texts during all your dates... Run.
22. She constantly talks during movie.... judgement call on your part, I have bent on that....>>>>>
23. Being unclear constantly in conversation.... guilty...... have to bend....
24. Having constant body odor. Even with AXE body spray.......
25. Can't text worth a damn and he's a Professor at a major college.
26. Sleeping with them on the first date.... probably never see them again.... odds are...
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