Barry finally glanced over at the clock radio on the nightstand on her side of the bed. It was almost noon. He could see bright light trying to peer through the room darkening shades across the bed. Sitting on the couch under the window, he tried to determine what happened last night. Robin had been his friend since sixth grade. Nothing ever happened sexually between them. And, he could not be sure that something even happened overnight.
Robin started to stir. First she stretched and turned over, sleepily stared at Barry and then let out a yelp and quickly turned over and buried her head under the pillow. 'She must be really embarrassed', he thought to himself.
"Robin, Robin"
She wouldn't even look at him.
"Robin, you have to talk to me. I have no idea what happened last night. Can you fill in the blanks?"
She finally sat up in bed, draping the sheet above her bare breast. Barry had always admired her body. He remembered Robin developed years before he grew tall. She always had large boobs. One of her nicest assets.
"Well Barry, you and I ended up playing strip poker with shots of tequila. Do remember that?"
"Hell no"
"Well, we did. You drank many more shots that I did. I asked to kiss you and you said yes. At that point we still had underwear on. We kissed and did a lot of dry humping, I'm surprised you don't feel raw.
After a while, I just went a little crazy and started to nibble on your chest. You nipples are probably very sore."
"As a matter of fact, they are", Barry agreed.
"We finally ended the game with no one with clothes on and we went to bed. You were too drunk to drive and you accepted my offer to sleep here. But you kept saying, 'no sex'. Must be the big brother type in you. I have to admit, I would have screwed your brains out last night with out hesitation.
"What about the condom over there?," pointing to the one on the foot of the bed.
"We tried to make love and your 'whiskey dick' couldn't perform. And, it wasn't for the fact of not trying. We attempted everything and finally gave up, spooned and we both fell asleep.
"What? I should say I'm sorry about everything?
'We are both grown adults," Robin stated as her sheet fell exposing her breasts. She knew Barry was affected due to the rise in the front of his boxers......