There can be quite a sexual heaven after judicial death... Kiss a few frogs and wait your turn.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
I had the pleasure to be interview by Blak Rayne this week and thoroughly enjoyed it. Questions were really on point making me really think. It was pretty exciting thinking through the interview. I look forward to doing many more and even hosting others with my questions.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
I had the extreme pleasure of being invited to a book club meeting of the Up All Night Book Club in Denver, Colorado last Saturday night. They decided to read my book for the month of November and had me come to answer questions. I haven't been that nervous for a very long time. The questions were very interesting. They kept me on my toes the entire time. At the beginning of the evening they wrote questions on three by five cards and handed them in. A moderator ran each question past me in front of the members.
Sample questions consisted of:
-how much of the book is fiction?
-what character do you identify with the most?
-how did divorce recovery personally affect my life?
-how many men compared to women attended divorce recovery?
-what inspired me to write the book?
At first I felt like a man on trial, then with each question, the my tension relaxed more and more. Almost to the point where I looked forward to the next question.
Having attended a few coed book club meetings with them in the past, I knew how direct and personal the members could and would be. There were even the usual males there. The November meeting is the only gathering that includes men.
I felt the constructive criticism was very productive for me. Some of them were; develop the characters more, be more sensitive to the woman's point of view (hard for me being a man), maybe not make the characters have sex too quickly and do a better job on editing.
One of the male members did comment on the sex coming too quickly. He stated that after a hard and devastating divorce, some people dive into a sexual relationship quickly to fill that missing void. I did agree with him. One can get caught up over compensating in order to lessen the pain of loneliness.
I look forward to adding to my Rebound series and getting grilled and turned by the club in the future.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Tap Tap Superhero... Episode Eleven
Tony could not believe he was able to teleport his actions to Evelyn. He remembered a movie from the early eighties called Scanners. They mastered the art of moving objects with their minds but it never broached the sexually possibilities.
He felt as if he was one of the luckiest men in the world. Being blind but still able to see shapes and judge distances, accomplished at breaking down the sheer elements of one distinct sound and proficient at making objects move by being affected by his mere thoughts. Even though those were a lot of abilities to wrap one's head around in one day, Tony was up for the challenge.
Nightfall was beaming through the front picture window. A lone stereo was heard down the hall. Children were outside playing in the streets, for the heat had released it grip on the asphalt and concrete.
"Evelyn. Time to get up and go to bed." Tony said shaking her shoulder gently. "C'mon sweetie"
"Let me just lay here a few more minutes and I'll get up." Evelyn sleepily responded.
Tony knew leaving her on the couch now would produce the same position and in the morning. But he was too tired to fight. Slipping behind her, they both drifted back off to sleep. It took a few minutes for Tony to shut down his extra sensory perception to the tune of shutting his brain down.
Saturday morning.
He felt as if he was one of the luckiest men in the world. Being blind but still able to see shapes and judge distances, accomplished at breaking down the sheer elements of one distinct sound and proficient at making objects move by being affected by his mere thoughts. Even though those were a lot of abilities to wrap one's head around in one day, Tony was up for the challenge.
Nightfall was beaming through the front picture window. A lone stereo was heard down the hall. Children were outside playing in the streets, for the heat had released it grip on the asphalt and concrete.
"Evelyn. Time to get up and go to bed." Tony said shaking her shoulder gently. "C'mon sweetie"
"Let me just lay here a few more minutes and I'll get up." Evelyn sleepily responded.
Tony knew leaving her on the couch now would produce the same position and in the morning. But he was too tired to fight. Slipping behind her, they both drifted back off to sleep. It took a few minutes for Tony to shut down his extra sensory perception to the tune of shutting his brain down.
Saturday morning.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Tap, Tap Superhero .... Episode Nine

turn down his heightened senses and grab a quick ten minute nap. No one would be the wiser. He quickly day dreamed of round two with Evelyn tonight. With that thought on the tip of his brain, his manhood started to take notice. Tony couldn't get up right away and head home with that piece of pipe protruding from his crotch.
The sky was gray and the neighborhood around the precinct. Tony had to catch his breath upon leaving the air conditioned office and hitting the extremely humid outdoors. It was as if someone poured a warm gatorade sideline canister of water over his body. Deciding earlier not to call Todd for a ride and walk the mile or so to Evelyn's apartment afforded Tony a chance to clear his head from the previous office stress.
What was left of the sun shone on his stubble laced face. With every step he could tell the heat's intensity grow less. He tapped, tapped tapped along the sidewalk to about the half-way point to his destination. Tony found his built in sonar was more efficient during the night when things were cooler. Folding up his cane, he continued to Evelyn's place. Negotiating the numerous sounds of the city was a lesson he worked on quite often. For example... instead of just hearing the door slam, he differentiated the type of wood the door was made of, what kind of lock and key mechanism was attached to it and even to the point if there was tile, wood or carpet under the door before the time of impact. He was getting very good at it.
Evelyn's building was next to City Park which afforded it shade in much earlier than the actual setting of the sun. Up the front stoop stairs he went, eagerly awaiting his prize in apartment 102. Through the hot and dusty hall he meandered to the back apartment. Keying in he was greeted by the aroma of bacon, eggs and toast. He could eat breakfast any time of day. Giving Evelyn a big hug, the scent of her lubrication began to permeate her terri cloth robe
'Screw eating.' he surmised. Time was of the essence and he was fucking horny as hell. 'Time for a quicky,' he thought. With one smooth move, he spun Evelyn around, raised her robe, bent her over the kitchen counter, dropped his pants and underwear, unleashed his dick and proceeded to slip into her wetness. She was more than ready for the battle of skin to skin. The bacon was starting to get past the crispy stage. They both were oblivious to the smoke building in the kitchen. The more Tony repeatedly slammed into her, the more Evelyn reciprocated backing into him. The room was smoky and the scream of the smoke detector drowned out the grunts and moans of the participants. Evelyn had already come a few times by the time Tony's butt started to tense and shake uncontrollably. Both done, they did not hold that position too long. With no 'sex towel', love juices spilled out of her as she stood up. Focused on the burning bacon, she quickly turned off the heat the moved the bacon off the burner grill.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Tap Tap Superhero... Episode Seven
The morning sun was cutting the drapes like a knife. It hit Tony's eyes first then Evelyn's. He wanted so much to kiss her awake, but that threat of morning breath was a deterrent. Was it the fear of his or hers? He settled for more morning spooning. Being able to only sleep on his stomach, holding Evelyn at the beginning of the sleep cycle was always short lived. The fact that he had his foot on hers all night was comfort enough for the both of them.
He found his hands caressing her shoulders, back and neck. Tony soon started to kiss her neck and that is when Evelyn started to stir. Her moans enticed him more and encouraged him to go further. Reaching around her arm to encase her left breast in his left hand, Tony felt his erection rising to the occasion. He withdrew his hand, wet his forefinger and thumb with saliva and proceeded to assault the left nipple, starting slow and gradually steady and firm twisting and pulling. But, not to injure or hurt it. Evelyn's breathing became more para sympathetic and deep. Grinding her butt into his rock hard cock, she ripped the blanket off of them both. The heat was rising.
Tony slipped his right hand under her neck and inserted two fingers in her mouth, never letting go of her nipple. She sucked them like a new baby deer on a mother's tit. Evelyn's sweet smell of sex permeated his nose quickly. She was ready. But, he still wanted to play.
"Awake are we, Tony murmured. "And, wetter than hell," as he moved his left hand from her breast to her honey pot, lightly glancing her clitoris on the way down. Evelyn let out a squeal which in turned excited Tony further.
He gently stroked her clit in a circular motion, stopping to finger swipe her pussy entrance. Wetting his digits, Tony was able to attack the love button relentlessly without hurting her. His dick was hard as last night. Evelyn began to arch her back and even purr.
"Don't stop," she said.
The orgasm was swelling up inside of her. Evelyn's body started to quake, first gently then violently. So much, it was hard for Tony to keep his fingers on target. Whimpering, she lay there exhausted. What a way to wake up in the morning.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Tap Tap Superhero......Epuisode Five
Tony thought he should be light headed by now. He could not remember the last time his dick was that hard. Evelyn moved forward to engage his masterful erection. :Putting her lips on the tip, she started to hum and the vibration traveled to Tony's brain like a tuning fork. Did he hear it or feel it first? The chicken or the egg?
With the long workday Tony had, he swung Evelyn around and sat on the couch. All the while not allowing her to disengage him. He remembered from their last sexual encounter Evelyn was the queen of deep throat. It took her a while to get started and 'Wham', next thing you know, her lips were at the base of his penis. That vision almost excited him as much as what she was actually doing. Up, down, in and out, Evelyn was masterful at her craft. A real pro. Tony felt her throat relax with each motion of her down stroke. At first, Evelyn gagged quite a bit getting to his base. A few minutes later she was successfully swallowing him whole from station zero. 'Mind blowing,' he felt.
Evelyn was enjoying herself to the fullest. Unlike most of her friends, she liked sucking a tasty dick more that intercourse itself. Like Linda Lovelace in 'Deep Throat', she actually had an orgasm last time she sucked Tony off. The art of fellatio was definitely in her DNA.
Tony felt as if his head was about to explode. He knew the mangasm was close. So did Evelyn. She increased her tempo still being careful not to graze him with her teeth. His body started to arch to the point his butt was completely off the couch cushion. The end was near and Evelyn was a closer for sure. Tony let out some 'Altered States' grunts and groans, convulsed for a minute and lay exhausted on the couch. She never stopped the oral onslaught on his dick, draining every drop of love juice from him. Tony's ears were ringing. She was saying something to him, but he could not hear her even as acute as his auditory skills were. That blowjob was just too intense. He turned sideways on the couch and curled up. She spooned in behind him. This time, she stuck her thumb in his mouth. What a change.
With the long workday Tony had, he swung Evelyn around and sat on the couch. All the while not allowing her to disengage him. He remembered from their last sexual encounter Evelyn was the queen of deep throat. It took her a while to get started and 'Wham', next thing you know, her lips were at the base of his penis. That vision almost excited him as much as what she was actually doing. Up, down, in and out, Evelyn was masterful at her craft. A real pro. Tony felt her throat relax with each motion of her down stroke. At first, Evelyn gagged quite a bit getting to his base. A few minutes later she was successfully swallowing him whole from station zero. 'Mind blowing,' he felt.
Evelyn was enjoying herself to the fullest. Unlike most of her friends, she liked sucking a tasty dick more that intercourse itself. Like Linda Lovelace in 'Deep Throat', she actually had an orgasm last time she sucked Tony off. The art of fellatio was definitely in her DNA.
Tony felt as if his head was about to explode. He knew the mangasm was close. So did Evelyn. She increased her tempo still being careful not to graze him with her teeth. His body started to arch to the point his butt was completely off the couch cushion. The end was near and Evelyn was a closer for sure. Tony let out some 'Altered States' grunts and groans, convulsed for a minute and lay exhausted on the couch. She never stopped the oral onslaught on his dick, draining every drop of love juice from him. Tony's ears were ringing. She was saying something to him, but he could not hear her even as acute as his auditory skills were. That blowjob was just too intense. He turned sideways on the couch and curled up. She spooned in behind him. This time, she stuck her thumb in his mouth. What a change.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Tap Tap Superhero Episode Three
They have only been dating for the past 4 months. Every time he touched her, it felt like the first time. The giddy feeling never went away like it did with other boyfriends. 'Maybe, this is what love feels like', she thought to herself.
The two months between running into Tony and finally him asking her out for a date seemed way too long. She thought of him often. The second time they met, he tapped her on the shoulder, recognizing her perfume, and asked her if she would go shopping for groceries with him. The both laughed at the inference. He swiftly made his move and asked her to dinner that night. Evelyn quickly accepted and they agreed to meet at Monte's, the little Italian bistro around the corner from her apartment. There was something mesmerizing about him, even though she could not put her finger on it. He was so engaging, she even forgot that he was sight impaired.
At her apartment, Evelyn clock watched the time go slower and slower. The more she gazed at the time, the more it seemed the hands stood still. She wondered what to wear. Deciding to put on tight jeans and a sweater to battle the chill in the night air encompassed her battle gear.
Arriving fifteen minutes early for dinner, Evelyn though she would enjoy a few minutes of solitude at the table prior to Tony appearing. Boy, was she wrong. Tony was just a punctual as she was.
"Thought I'd beat you here", Evelyn admitted.
"I had the same idea and I thought getting flowers would take longer. But, it went much faster than I anticipated".
"These are beautiful yellow roses. Thank you very much. The smell is almost intoxicating".
"So, Evelyn", Tony said as he took off his jacket and sat down. "I've never been here before. What is good"? Just then the waiter came over, introduced him self, poured them waters and went over the specials.
"I always get the lamb chop with basil cream sauce".
"Hummmm, a creature of habit. I like that. No surprises or worries".
Tony could sense a smile coming from the Evelyn's face. 'The ice was broken', he thought.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Tap Tap Superhero....Episode One
Evelyn could hear the tap tap of his cane coming closer through the apartment front door. The ever growing sound always made her nipples harden and her sex take notice. She know that any second, Tony would be knocking on the door. But, this time it would be open. The taping suddenly stopped.
"Nice, quickening the invitation, huh?, Tony questioned. "I'll just tease you a bit." He teased his walking stick in the opening of the door as if to simulate a sexual act. Evelyn sat on the couch squirming with anticipation. He slowly opened the door and just stood there.
Tony was a tall man. Dark glasses, casual jeans and t-shirt mix adorned his body. One could tell he made it to the gym a few times a week due to the semi-pyramid shape of his upper torso. She thought he was so sexy and always took his time with her. No wham bam here.
The fact Tony was legally blind hardly ever entered Evelyn's mind lately in their relationship. He was able to still see some shapes and easily maneuver around. Tony used the walking cane seldom. This time he used it for Evelyn, for the fact he knew that the sound excited her. Upon entering the apartment, he could instantly smell her sex, which in turn alerted his dick that all was well with the world and he was going to take one for the team. Happy, happy, happy. Walking over to her, Tony dropped the stick and fell to his knees in front of the shadow he perceived on the couch.
He could hear Evelyn's breathing get heavier and quicker. Reaching up above her torso, he felt her breast through the satin material that covered them. Even though he could not actually see the color or print, he knew Evelyn's taste in fashion was never disappointing. Tony made sure to keep his glasses on. She thought that made him even sexier. His lack of good sight was more than made up by his heightened other senses.
Evelyn loved the way he touched and teased her with his fingers. He was playing her like a fiddle again. His fingers traced from her breast up to her neck, around her head and lightly down her sides. 'What a superhero she had. All to herself.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Hitting it hard night and day,
Upside down all along the way.
May have found your sweetie or your prey,
As if to imagine all those shades of grey.
Hitting the walls and knocking it down,
Waking up trying to find that special noun.
The sky paints itself reddish brown,
Yet sterile as a surgical gown.
One night may present the chance of love,
Intertwined like a hand to a glove.
Up and down, all around we would dance,
A bee to a flower during the great trance.
Soon to be finished for now,
Which one shall stand and take a bow.
Wake up in the morning and she is gone,
Beginning the day with a new dawn.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Just for My Tuesday Topic Gang...... Here Ya Go....
The warehouse stench was somewhat overpowering to Lisa. But, she had to make the break in worthwhile. Looking like an episode of C.S.I., she used the flashlight to guide her to the honey pot. Methodically she look left then right all the while making her way to the back of the building. Suddenly, Lisa noticed an unforgettable smell. Her sex started to take notice; her nipples were hard and erect, there was a wetness and warmth beginning in her loins and her heart beat increased exponentially. Lisa shone the light down the hall where illumination escaped underneath a closed door. Upon opening the door, she saw her objective. In the six foot long aquarium was the object of her affection. She had only seen it once with friends, but this time she was all alone with it. Could she touch it? Would she be able to hold it on her body without dropping it and injuring him. Larry the long armed squid was there for the taking. She completely undressed before walking to the glass. It seemed as if Larry could sense her coming closer and closer to the tank. At first he was still, then the closer she became, Larry became increasingly agitated. He even stuck one of his sexy tentacles laden arms out of the tank as if he was offering it to Lisa. She politely obliged and gently took his arm and touched her right breast just below the nipple creating a shudder from the core of her soul. Feeling the suction cups pulsation on her breast while playing with her clit, made for an over the top, quick mini orgasm that quaked her body throughout. .......... +Wind Whisperer , +Valerie Rayne , +Chhaya Delaine
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Summary of Tuesday Topics Hangout 8.27.13
If you didn't join in or even watch the Tuesday Topics yesterday.... you missed a treat. Hosted by +Valerie Rayne and joined by +Chhaya Delaine , +Wind Whisperer and myself, the gang got deep into character development.
We all agreed that character development was key in any erotic story. But, at the same time, you can go too far and lose the reader by over-developing a character. You give them just enough to get them hungry for more instead of totally spoon feeding them.
Ways to develop a character....
We discussed things like what are the character's physical characteristics, desires and goals, strengths and virtues, faults and weaknesses, vices and pet peeves, relationship to other sub-characters, including family and friends.
So, we look forward to you joining us at the next Tuesday Topics on Google+ , in The Erotic Writers Group......
Sunday, August 25, 2013
My Bare Lady Reboundoc Version
For it only being the middle of July, the Arizona desert was unusually cool. This time of year is normally hotter than hell. That’s what Jeffery expected after accepting the warden job at the Arizona Reformatory School for Teens. Having raised three daughters on his own, he knew a thing or two about teenage girls. Five years prior the state had combined the male and females in the same facility. This was the first year of them being separated like back in the day.
Jeffery was ten years divorced with no steady girlfriend to speak of. Years ago, as his last daughter was on her way out of high school, he started to dabble in the dating scene. It was quite disastrous. It was almost as if he was twelve all over again. Tripping all over himself at every date. No smooth moves and a dated wardrobe to boot. He knew he needed help.
The School was only an hour north of Phoenix and Jeffery was able to land a condo rental on the north side of the city. He would stay there until he knew the area better. Only then would he consider buying a place.
Being the first day school, ARST was bustling throughout. There was an intake of new inmates coupled with the excitement of possible school friendships and associations. Jeffery knew that he could not be everyone’s friend and govern a institution as this. He would use his self-patented alternating hands on the throat while patting on the back mentality. He first meeting of the morning was with the current and new teachers of the facility.
Upon entering the room, Jeffery surveyed the talent. Besides, he was only a man at heart. Looking from left to right, he with the esthetics the bunch brought to the table. But, the lady on the far left really caught his eye. Dawn had a semi-mini skirt, moderate heels, average top and the most red lipstick he had ever seen. As he gave his introduction, nice to meet you and I run this bitch speech, he shot Dawn quick glances as if she was going to disappear at any moment. After his speech he greeted each employee as they left the room. As he had hoped, Dawn left the room last.
“I Mr. Turner, but you can call me Jeffery. Anything at all you need, please do not hesitate to ask,” as he extended his hand and shook for what seemed like an eternity.
“I teach English Literature. I’m Dawn. Pleased to meet you Mr. Turner,” she said slyly. “I do need one thing…. my hand back! Thanks."
Jeffery finally let go of her hand. She walked around he and disappeared up the hall. He watched her walk the entire way. Right before she was out of view, she turned around, looked him right in the eyes and parted those red lip and show him a perfect smile. Was he imagining it, or was there a slight love connection. All the way to his office he pondered that. Soon the thought was a blur with the first fight between two girls in the recess area starting the school year off right.
With the amount of work Jeffery took on the first day, Dawn was a distant memory. He had to tackle approving schedules, worksheet set-up, worker documentation, verification of credentials and quite a bit of menial and trivial crap that would be soon delegated to subordinates. But, he had to bide his time and see who were the worker bees that he could trust.
The day flew by as the number of task for Jeffery almost doubled hourly. By the time he was caught up, darkness fell on his office window sill. Glancing at the office clock, it saw that it was seven thirty and time to go. His desk was a mess and he decided to leave it that way until tomorrow. He could always come in early. Grabbing his briefcase he proceeded down the semi-dark corridor to his car’s carport. But, there was a glimmer of light coming from underneath the last door on the left before exiting the building.
The closer he got to the door, the more the floor seemed to thump. ‘Thump, thump, thump.
He stopped and peered in the room through the small glass window just below his eye level. Bending down to get a better, he saw it was Dawn. ‘What was she doing? Was she dancing? How did she learn to dance that way?’ Jeffery could finally decipher the sounds of African drums. Barefoot, Dawn was moving rhythmically to the beat of the drums.
‘What a nice body and booty,’ Jeffery thought. He remembered how his favorite cousin always said, ‘I they can move their body dancing, they can fuck you lights out’. Her movements were mesmerizing and fluid. He stood at the door what seemed for hours. As the music switched beats, Dawn looked up at the window, saw Jeffery watching her, smiled and returned dancing to the new beat.
He didn’t know what compelled him to keep watching even though he was ‘caught.’ Jeffery eventually reached down, turned the knob and sat in the seat just inside the door. Feeling a sense of heat coming from his crotch, he noticed his mouth getting dry. All the while, Dawn did not stop her dancing. As a matter of fact, she turned up the intensity. Maybe it was because she had an audience. She thought, ‘if he had the balls to come in and sit down, she might as well give him a good show.'
Jeffery did not know about the circumstances behind her staying late after school. Dawn had just broken up with her boyfriend of 4 years over the past weekend. She was still pissed off at all men and was in no hurry to go home to an empty house. So, she decided to crank up the music and start dancing. She too thought everyone had left for the night. But, the more she thought about Jeffery watching her, the more excited and horny she became. That vibrator was not cutting it.
The next song was a slow down from the previous two. Dawn provocatively slow danced over to where Jeffery was sitting. To his surprise, she began dancing around his chair. He observed that she had taken her bra off, for her nipples were quite erect like pencil erasers. She became bolder as she started to rub his neck, head and shoulders while encircling him. On the subsequent pass behind him, Dawn went for broke and took off her blouse.
Jeffery was stunned and had no words as she came from behind him dancing with no top on. Her breast were perky and tanned. They definitely had seen some sunlight recently. He felf the head in his loins transform into a full fledged, rock hard erection. If not for the music and his restrictive pants he probably would have blown his load right there. All he wanted to do was grab a breast and gently caress and nibble on the engorged nipple. And he did just that.
The music stopped and he found Dawn directly in front of him. Her right breast was directly at his lip level. She leaned forward and he accepted the task of sucking and ravaging the task at hand. She moaned and jerked uncontrollably as he assaulted his target. He reached out and grabbed her by the waist because he knew by her movements she was about the come. While Jeffery was busy, Dawn reached for his zipper and unleased the constricted python that was the anchor for the hard on tent in Jeffery’s pants. She licked her right palm and proceeded to wack him off with near perfection.
Dawn’s breathing and erratic movements intensified as Jeffery moved to the other breast. He treated them as if there were twins. No favorites there. He reached forward, reached his hand under her skirt and found her soaking wet panties covering her pussy. Able to still pay attention to the breast in his left hand and mouth, he was able to effortlessly move the panties to one side and gently insert two fingers into her wet womanhood and simultaneously rub the head of her fully engorged clitoris. After a few swipes on the love button, Dawn convulsed into her first standing mind shattering orgasm. She fell face forward onto the top of the Jeffery’s desk. The only sound in the room was heaving breathing between the two of them.
Without a word being said, Dawn led Jeffery over to the teacher’s desk by his dick. Once there both disrobed. Passionate kissing was order for the moment. Dawn could smell her sex on his fingers as he passed them all over her face. The scent was good and sexy. She really wanted to taste him but Jeffery took charge, picking her up and placing her butt on her desk facing him. He took his cock and with precision, beat up her clit in a back and forth motion. Dawn felt another orgasm start to swell up inside of her. Jeffery could hear her breaths getting more and more shallower. As he felt she was about the orgasm, he quick thrust his dick into her pussy.
Dawn was quite the sailor. “Fuck me dammit. Slam that shit home. Don’t stop. I’m coming again.”
Jeffery had never been with a multi-orgasmic woman before. He had heard of them, but this was a first for him. Nor, had he ever been in a vocal and hot sex experience. He was always open to new and exciting challenges. This definitely fit the bill. As his own ‘mangasm’ was about the endure, he increase his rhythmic pounding of his sex mate’s orifice. As he was about the come, he felt a cramp coming on in his right thigh. But, it didn’t matter. He was going to finish if even on one leg.
The room starting to spin for him and he felt at is all the moisture in his body was inserted into Dawn during his orgasm. The cramp eventually subsided and he was able to stand at the edge of the desk comfortably as Dawn enjoy another mini ‘womangasm’.
He wondered what was the next move for them both.
Thanks to
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Sex and the Cell Phone Part Two
rubbing my clit for you. How do you like it?” she panted. After that, no other
words came out of her mouth. She was concentrating to the fullest.
eyes were closed tight and her mouth slightly open. Having a silent partner
watching her was a real turn on. She rubbed the head of the vibrating penis up
and down making sure to flick the hood of the clit on every up stroke. Each
flick made her head rock back and forth in unison. There was a dish of hot
water next to her which she put the B.O.B. in every few minutes to give the
sensation of warmth.
saw all of this on his phone. He started to feel his pelvic area get warm but
he was determined not to have any fun himself. This was Sherri’s fireworks
missing a beat on her clitoris, Sherri reached with her left hand and produced
a back massager which she turned on and traced up to her already engorged
is very talented and ambidextrous,’ Aaron thought. He was really enjoying the
presentation. Wishing he was actually there, without interruption he just sat
Sherri,” he whispered. “Can you hear me?” He knew she probably didn’t because
of the way she was breathing. As time went on he was right. She never responded
until she came off her orgasmic high.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Sex and the Cell Phone
They both went through the technical motions. While Aaron held his phone, Sherri leaned her phone against a pillow on the bed directly in front of her. By the time he saw Sherri on his phone she was already totally naked and ready to go. She popped the top of the lubricant and spread just a little on the head of the glass phallus. Aaron could not see it vibrate, but he heard the buzzing right when she aimed the tip toward her clitoris.
‘What a turn on,’ Aaron thought. ‘My ex or any other girlfriend I ever had would never have done this.’ He felt a stirring in his loins.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Not What He Was Used To
Sam left
the bedroom and came back with a container. “I want to try something,”
squeezing some of the liquid on her hands. She knelt down between his legs and
took his limp dick in her hands. With her fingers intertwined Sam worked the
shaft up and down slowly until blood filled the spongy stem. She used all the
surfaces of her hands. There was no part of her hand that did not touch, caress
or cup his penis. This continual assault went on what seemed like for hours.
The pressure was building up in Ken’s head ever so slowly. He found himself
begging to be inside of Sam, but she did not stop. She was on a mission. Two
handed, she finished each up stroke with lightly pinching the bulbous head
between her eight fingers.
he thought. ‘This is un-fucking believable.’ Her tempo never increased or
decreased, just a steady movement aiming for the ultimate goal. It seemed that
Ken’s problem with getting erections was put on hold. His dick didn’t get the
memo. His balls were tensing up and his mouth opened and nothing came out.
Nothing should feel this good. As he finally orgasmed, he felt that his sperm
was going to shoot up to the ceiling. Sam had a towel ready and wiped him
clean, turned him over and smacked him on the ass. He really wanted to put his
thumb in his mouth, but that would be too embarrassing.
smelled the faint hint of almonds. ‘Must have been the oil.’
Now Sam
was spooning him. Ken couldn’t even talk. His heart was finally slowing down.
No one had been able to get him that hard since he had developed erectile
dysfunction problems a few years ago. He thought Viagra would be his sexual
cocktail forever. But, newsflash, there was a new sheriff in town and her name
was Sam.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Day Twenty Seven of 30
Living for the Love of You....
Standing here on my porch at night,
Thinking of you while you are not in my sight.
Gonna work hard tomorrow and all is fine,
Staying busy will keep you out of my mind.
All my might, I try not to think of you,
All the while, slamming down that vodka and Mountain Dew.
Want to grab the cell and call you,
Knowing that I want you so bad, who knew?
You send chills all over my body with thoughts of us,
I hit the wall with my frustration I must express.
To calm down for I will see you soon,
Luck may be my brother, for tomorrow is a full moon.
I finally drift off to sleep, peacefully and sound,
My ending thoughts of you reflect how you boss me around.
Nominate me to be your love forever,
Taking care of you will be my everlasting endeavor.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Day Twenty Six of 30
Just A Taste
He was
right. Now that Aaron was in his fifties, he realized that his sexual prowess
was not as strong as it used to be. Things were not the same as they were when
he was in his twenties. Back then, women had the prize that men always wanted.
They essentially had the power and sometimes wielded it stingily. But, he
realized that life was much different now. Getting that nice piece of ass
wasn’t as important as it used to be. And, if you were a single 45 and older
male and knew how not to empower the “poonaney,” the balance of power would
shift. Women were not able to swing it
around like a sword. But, in order for this to be true, men have to pay
attention. It was not a game but a dance. He didn’t have to keep the rhythm but
he had to know the basic steps.
was a needed quality after a divorce. Aaron knew he had to take care of himself
prior to taking care of anyone else, even his kids. He considered it a
necessary sort of evil. It allowed him to mature and heal quicker than he
thought. Aaron understood how people got injured or killed during or after a
traumatic divorce. The hate, hostility and rejection could trigger violence
which neither party had ever experienced with one another. Especially if one
was spinning out of control. Aaron’s village didn’t allow him to head down that
road. They kept him busy.
finished his beer. The men hugged and left the bar. Aaron rushed home to take his time to call
Sherri. As he smiled on the drive home, that yin and yang made absolutely no
sense to him.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Day Twenty five of 30
Twenty five non-straight days of 30 not in a row,
My attempts fell real short.
Hoping soon my art will grow,
Blogging eventually becomes quite sport.
Up early and late in order to complete the task,
Soon my writing may suffer no more.
Although to my surprise I might unmask,
Fall asleep at my keyboard with a snore.
Trapped like a bird in a cage,
I must write until the 30 days are up.
One does compete along the stone age,
Filling the water in the scarlet cup.
All the while I'm nearly complete,
Random thoughts I put to the screen.
Sudden moves rip the bed sheet,
All the while, threading the needle like Charlie Sheen......
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Day Twenty Four of 30
Should Have Asked Her Out......
Hanging out by myself on a blanket weekend,
Might see that I must find something to do.
Wishing you were here for our bodies to blend,
Should have had the nerve to ask you out without a clue
Maybe I'll just call the fellas tonight,
Hitting the bars and gaming most of the night.
Wasted my chance to ask you out the other day,
You could have been here keeping my hands at bay.
Next time I may have to courage to try,
Speak to you in front of your friends.
I might stand there seemingly stupid looking you in the eye,
The pain in my stomach just like the bends.
But, tomorrow starts a new week,
A date with you I shall seek.
Never thought I was this tough being this old,
Who knows what the future of us will unfold.
All I can do is what I can,
I make no excuses for the path I take.
I do realize that I am only one man,
Surely, one day, between us we'll experience the horizontal Shake n' Bake.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Day Twenty Two of 30

Gotta be real to yourself and let things just flow. The more you look for that right person, the more crazies you will find. Law of dating probability. I'm just saying.....
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Day Twenty One of 30
Famous Deal Breakers.... ones I've heard of and experienced over the years....
1. She can't have more kids than you have fingers.
2. He can't still live with his mom.
3. All her drama must fit in a handbag not a POD.
4. She at least must have cute feet (reference the movie BOOMERANG)
5. He should have most of his natural teeth or replacements for such.
6. Her youngest kid can't be living at home still trying to 'find' himself. (having never left)
7. Working at a drive thru window is fine if you're at least the manager.
8. 'For real dough' shouldn't be the best exclamation they can come up with.
9. Most of the time you shouldn't be able to out dance your teenage kids.
10. Just because there a a no smoking ordinance, you shouldn't wear the club dress to church the next day.... just saying....
11. 'Their' in normal conversation with them doesn't mean 'they are'
12. Smoking are drinking are personal options, you decide.
13. If their (there's that word again) medicine cabinet looks like a Walgreens Pharmacy shelf......
14. He can't keep calling you the wrong name constantly for over a week. With those names rotating between 2 and 3 other women.
15. When dropping them off after a date, they continually ask you to drop them off a block from home, in front of the Tasty Freeze. (a couple of signs there)
16. If you friend has a sister, mom, niece, aunt, cousin or daughter they want you to meet .......RUN.... the odds are against you.
17. Stinky breath, I mean halitosis....... Not a keeper.. what else smells?????
18. Toes hang out over edge of sandals or heels, run. Never date a gargoyle.
19. You find a box of blood slides behind the night stand ..... Excuse yourself, then RUN.
20. When you meet him for a meet and greet at the local Starbucks and the workers greet him by name and keep smiling and pointing at the two of you as you get to know one another... RUN
21. She or He constantly texts during all your dates... Run.
22. She constantly talks during movie.... judgement call on your part, I have bent on that....>>>>>
23. Being unclear constantly in conversation.... guilty...... have to bend....
24. Having constant body odor. Even with AXE body spray.......
25. Can't text worth a damn and he's a Professor at a major college.
26. Sleeping with them on the first date.... probably never see them again.... odds are...
1. She can't have more kids than you have fingers.
2. He can't still live with his mom.
3. All her drama must fit in a handbag not a POD.
4. She at least must have cute feet (reference the movie BOOMERANG)
5. He should have most of his natural teeth or replacements for such.
6. Her youngest kid can't be living at home still trying to 'find' himself. (having never left)
7. Working at a drive thru window is fine if you're at least the manager.
8. 'For real dough' shouldn't be the best exclamation they can come up with.
9. Most of the time you shouldn't be able to out dance your teenage kids.
10. Just because there a a no smoking ordinance, you shouldn't wear the club dress to church the next day.... just saying....
11. 'Their' in normal conversation with them doesn't mean 'they are'
12. Smoking are drinking are personal options, you decide.
13. If their (there's that word again) medicine cabinet looks like a Walgreens Pharmacy shelf......
14. He can't keep calling you the wrong name constantly for over a week. With those names rotating between 2 and 3 other women.
15. When dropping them off after a date, they continually ask you to drop them off a block from home, in front of the Tasty Freeze. (a couple of signs there)
16. If you friend has a sister, mom, niece, aunt, cousin or daughter they want you to meet .......RUN.... the odds are against you.
17. Stinky breath, I mean halitosis....... Not a keeper.. what else smells?????
18. Toes hang out over edge of sandals or heels, run. Never date a gargoyle.
19. You find a box of blood slides behind the night stand ..... Excuse yourself, then RUN.
20. When you meet him for a meet and greet at the local Starbucks and the workers greet him by name and keep smiling and pointing at the two of you as you get to know one another... RUN
21. She or He constantly texts during all your dates... Run.
22. She constantly talks during movie.... judgement call on your part, I have bent on that....>>>>>
23. Being unclear constantly in conversation.... guilty...... have to bend....
24. Having constant body odor. Even with AXE body spray.......
25. Can't text worth a damn and he's a Professor at a major college.
26. Sleeping with them on the first date.... probably never see them again.... odds are...
Monday, July 29, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Day Nineteen of 30
In having a conversation with a buddy of mine today, he expressed his displeasure with the new found information that his ex-wife has a live in boyfriend. For the life of me, I couldn't understand why he was so vexed. I always thought after divorce you had to let the other person go, totally. Not your job anymore. You were fired or you fired the other person.
I just can't see wasting time and effort on someone else's choices, especially when they have nothing to do with you. Sure, it sometimes affects the kids. But if they are grown-ass adults, you'll have to let that crap go. That was, in a nut shell, my talk with him. But I do realize it does depend on the person and how much drama laden their life is.
I always try to lead a drama free life. With that being sometimes impossible. But I do try to keep it down to a minimum.
A co-worker told me once, "When get back on that dating horse after divorce, you have to tell the new prospect or yourself you want this relationship, no matter how it is defined, in a 'drama free zone.'" Those words I tried to live by back in the day when I was kissing all those frogs. Because 'I'm the Love Firefighter.'
Friday, July 26, 2013
Day Eighteen of 30 (Day Three Continued...)
Barry finally glanced over at the clock radio on the nightstand on her side of the bed. It was almost noon. He could see bright light trying to peer through the room darkening shades across the bed. Sitting on the couch under the window, he tried to determine what happened last night. Robin had been his friend since sixth grade. Nothing ever happened sexually between them. And, he could not be sure that something even happened overnight.
Robin started to stir. First she stretched and turned over, sleepily stared at Barry and then let out a yelp and quickly turned over and buried her head under the pillow. 'She must be really embarrassed', he thought to himself.
"Robin, Robin"
She wouldn't even look at him.
"Robin, you have to talk to me. I have no idea what happened last night. Can you fill in the blanks?"
She finally sat up in bed, draping the sheet above her bare breast. Barry had always admired her body. He remembered Robin developed years before he grew tall. She always had large boobs. One of her nicest assets.
"Well Barry, you and I ended up playing strip poker with shots of tequila. Do remember that?"
"Hell no"
"Well, we did. You drank many more shots that I did. I asked to kiss you and you said yes. At that point we still had underwear on. We kissed and did a lot of dry humping, I'm surprised you don't feel raw.
After a while, I just went a little crazy and started to nibble on your chest. You nipples are probably very sore."
"As a matter of fact, they are", Barry agreed.
"We finally ended the game with no one with clothes on and we went to bed. You were too drunk to drive and you accepted my offer to sleep here. But you kept saying, 'no sex'. Must be the big brother type in you. I have to admit, I would have screwed your brains out last night with out hesitation.
"What about the condom over there?," pointing to the one on the foot of the bed.
"We tried to make love and your 'whiskey dick' couldn't perform. And, it wasn't for the fact of not trying. We attempted everything and finally gave up, spooned and we both fell asleep.
"What? I should say I'm sorry about everything?
'We are both grown adults," Robin stated as her sheet fell exposing her breasts. She knew Barry was affected due to the rise in the front of his boxers......
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Day Seventeen of 30
Deepak Chopra
Who is he? What does he stand for? A friend of mine asked me if I knew about him. And with my no answer I was quickly tongue lashed. But, in a friendly way. So, I headed home to see if I could research Tupac's cousin and find out what he was about.
Had to text the friend and get the correct spelling of his name. Eureka.... Found Him....
Lots of information on Google. May have to thank her after I compile my thoughts and facts about him. Deepak is all over the place with books, seminars and a wellness center. Busy man. He even has Google Hangouts. Impressive. Looking forward to scooping up knowledge about him.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Day Sixteen of 30
Mr. Robert as quiet as a mouse,
He has his mouth full gauze and crap.
Trying to get in touch with him, is his spouse
Tracking him down making sure there no nap.
All of a sudden he has something to say,
A wise man he is beyond his years.
He's always talking about that 'hay',
Every time almost bringing me to tears.
He's been a friend for a very long time,
Followed my plight through thick and thin.
He really doesn't know what to think of my type of rhyme,
Mr. Robert enjoys them, keeping them from safe like a cotter pin.
He has the charm of an old fellow,
Greeting clients as if he's known them forever.
Keeping his friend out of the bordello,
Can be one fine endeavor.
I close this rhyme considering his ports of call,
That no place is more satifying.
Than all his plaques that hang on his wall,
The fact he is living life to it's fullest, there's no denying.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Day Fifteen of 30
What I learned tonight....
1. Why are writing social communities important to independent authors?
-They can help you hone your craft through constructive criticism.
-They can give direction on any question you may have about writing or publishing.
-The community can be a resource and sounding board of other authors.
2. Should other authors join writing social communites?
-Hell yeah.....
3. What writing social communites should authors join?
-Pick one and see how you like it. If not, move on to the next one.
4. Do you have a favorite writing social community?
-Not really, but I highly suggest and I mean highly suggest The Erotic Writers Group on Google +. Video conferencing most Tuesday nights at 9 MST. Valerie does a great job.
I'm just saying........
Monday, July 22, 2013
Day Fourteen of 30
Erotica has been thrust into the mainstream,
In and about normal day life.
Talking about it, what do they mean?
Up and down along the way of everyday strife.
Thanks to the soccer moms of today,
Bringing their e-readers to every practice.
Reading that '50 Shades of Grey',
With some chapters as prickly as a cactus.
No longer is the genre taboo,
It is as normal as apple pie.
Traditional publishing is almost bid adieu,
Suffering as if light as a railroad tie.
Google the term erotica,
The results are vast and endless.
Used to be as popular as a harmonica,
Now, the returns are deep and mindless.
Erotica is nothing like porn,
Not only physical sex and acts.
It is fathomless beyond the norm,
Quick, take a chance, don't break your momma's back.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Day Twelve of 30
I think we all have a book inside of all of us. When I started this journey, doubters were skeptical to my plight. Motivation is the just the desire to do things. If you want it bad enough, there is a will and a way to achieve it. Independent publishing is exploding all around us. It is both easier and harder than you think. The internet has lots of information for you to start. I would suggest to start. Do you have a book inside of you????
Friday, July 19, 2013
Day Eleven of 30
My girlfriend is out of town for the week,
A special time with someone I won't seek.
Video conferencing is the key to the game,
Sex in person will no longer be the same.
Phone to phone will be the key,
Communication between you and me.
Tilt the phone just right is nice,
Rub your bare breast once then twice.
Slowly strip for me in front of the camera,
Another form of karma sutra.
Down to your undies you go,
Trying not to seem like a ho.
Touch yourself in lots of places,
Looking at my phone of you, puts me through my paces.
All of a sudden your index finger is wet,
The rest of the digits form a quartet.
Insert your finger to the hilt,
A body that is brick shit built.
Moaning as your body shivers,
Orgasms overcome you like a meeting of rivers.
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