Sample questions consisted of:
-how much of the book is fiction?
-what character do you identify with the most?
-how did divorce recovery personally affect my life?
-how many men compared to women attended divorce recovery?
-what inspired me to write the book?
At first I felt like a man on trial, then with each question, the my tension relaxed more and more. Almost to the point where I looked forward to the next question.
Having attended a few coed book club meetings with them in the past, I knew how direct and personal the members could and would be. There were even the usual males there. The November meeting is the only gathering that includes men.
I felt the constructive criticism was very productive for me. Some of them were; develop the characters more, be more sensitive to the woman's point of view (hard for me being a man), maybe not make the characters have sex too quickly and do a better job on editing.
One of the male members did comment on the sex coming too quickly. He stated that after a hard and devastating divorce, some people dive into a sexual relationship quickly to fill that missing void. I did agree with him. One can get caught up over compensating in order to lessen the pain of loneliness.
I look forward to adding to my Rebound series and getting grilled and turned by the club in the future.
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