There can be quite a sexual heaven after judicial death... Kiss a few frogs and wait your turn.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
I had the pleasure to be interview by Blak Rayne this week and thoroughly enjoyed it. Questions were really on point making me really think. It was pretty exciting thinking through the interview. I look forward to doing many more and even hosting others with my questions.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
I had the extreme pleasure of being invited to a book club meeting of the Up All Night Book Club in Denver, Colorado last Saturday night. They decided to read my book for the month of November and had me come to answer questions. I haven't been that nervous for a very long time. The questions were very interesting. They kept me on my toes the entire time. At the beginning of the evening they wrote questions on three by five cards and handed them in. A moderator ran each question past me in front of the members.
Sample questions consisted of:
-how much of the book is fiction?
-what character do you identify with the most?
-how did divorce recovery personally affect my life?
-how many men compared to women attended divorce recovery?
-what inspired me to write the book?
At first I felt like a man on trial, then with each question, the my tension relaxed more and more. Almost to the point where I looked forward to the next question.
Having attended a few coed book club meetings with them in the past, I knew how direct and personal the members could and would be. There were even the usual males there. The November meeting is the only gathering that includes men.
I felt the constructive criticism was very productive for me. Some of them were; develop the characters more, be more sensitive to the woman's point of view (hard for me being a man), maybe not make the characters have sex too quickly and do a better job on editing.
One of the male members did comment on the sex coming too quickly. He stated that after a hard and devastating divorce, some people dive into a sexual relationship quickly to fill that missing void. I did agree with him. One can get caught up over compensating in order to lessen the pain of loneliness.
I look forward to adding to my Rebound series and getting grilled and turned by the club in the future.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Tap Tap Superhero... Episode Eleven
Tony could not believe he was able to teleport his actions to Evelyn. He remembered a movie from the early eighties called Scanners. They mastered the art of moving objects with their minds but it never broached the sexually possibilities.
He felt as if he was one of the luckiest men in the world. Being blind but still able to see shapes and judge distances, accomplished at breaking down the sheer elements of one distinct sound and proficient at making objects move by being affected by his mere thoughts. Even though those were a lot of abilities to wrap one's head around in one day, Tony was up for the challenge.
Nightfall was beaming through the front picture window. A lone stereo was heard down the hall. Children were outside playing in the streets, for the heat had released it grip on the asphalt and concrete.
"Evelyn. Time to get up and go to bed." Tony said shaking her shoulder gently. "C'mon sweetie"
"Let me just lay here a few more minutes and I'll get up." Evelyn sleepily responded.
Tony knew leaving her on the couch now would produce the same position and in the morning. But he was too tired to fight. Slipping behind her, they both drifted back off to sleep. It took a few minutes for Tony to shut down his extra sensory perception to the tune of shutting his brain down.
Saturday morning.
He felt as if he was one of the luckiest men in the world. Being blind but still able to see shapes and judge distances, accomplished at breaking down the sheer elements of one distinct sound and proficient at making objects move by being affected by his mere thoughts. Even though those were a lot of abilities to wrap one's head around in one day, Tony was up for the challenge.
Nightfall was beaming through the front picture window. A lone stereo was heard down the hall. Children were outside playing in the streets, for the heat had released it grip on the asphalt and concrete.
"Evelyn. Time to get up and go to bed." Tony said shaking her shoulder gently. "C'mon sweetie"
"Let me just lay here a few more minutes and I'll get up." Evelyn sleepily responded.
Tony knew leaving her on the couch now would produce the same position and in the morning. But he was too tired to fight. Slipping behind her, they both drifted back off to sleep. It took a few minutes for Tony to shut down his extra sensory perception to the tune of shutting his brain down.
Saturday morning.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Tap, Tap Superhero .... Episode Nine

turn down his heightened senses and grab a quick ten minute nap. No one would be the wiser. He quickly day dreamed of round two with Evelyn tonight. With that thought on the tip of his brain, his manhood started to take notice. Tony couldn't get up right away and head home with that piece of pipe protruding from his crotch.
The sky was gray and the neighborhood around the precinct. Tony had to catch his breath upon leaving the air conditioned office and hitting the extremely humid outdoors. It was as if someone poured a warm gatorade sideline canister of water over his body. Deciding earlier not to call Todd for a ride and walk the mile or so to Evelyn's apartment afforded Tony a chance to clear his head from the previous office stress.
What was left of the sun shone on his stubble laced face. With every step he could tell the heat's intensity grow less. He tapped, tapped tapped along the sidewalk to about the half-way point to his destination. Tony found his built in sonar was more efficient during the night when things were cooler. Folding up his cane, he continued to Evelyn's place. Negotiating the numerous sounds of the city was a lesson he worked on quite often. For example... instead of just hearing the door slam, he differentiated the type of wood the door was made of, what kind of lock and key mechanism was attached to it and even to the point if there was tile, wood or carpet under the door before the time of impact. He was getting very good at it.
Evelyn's building was next to City Park which afforded it shade in much earlier than the actual setting of the sun. Up the front stoop stairs he went, eagerly awaiting his prize in apartment 102. Through the hot and dusty hall he meandered to the back apartment. Keying in he was greeted by the aroma of bacon, eggs and toast. He could eat breakfast any time of day. Giving Evelyn a big hug, the scent of her lubrication began to permeate her terri cloth robe
'Screw eating.' he surmised. Time was of the essence and he was fucking horny as hell. 'Time for a quicky,' he thought. With one smooth move, he spun Evelyn around, raised her robe, bent her over the kitchen counter, dropped his pants and underwear, unleashed his dick and proceeded to slip into her wetness. She was more than ready for the battle of skin to skin. The bacon was starting to get past the crispy stage. They both were oblivious to the smoke building in the kitchen. The more Tony repeatedly slammed into her, the more Evelyn reciprocated backing into him. The room was smoky and the scream of the smoke detector drowned out the grunts and moans of the participants. Evelyn had already come a few times by the time Tony's butt started to tense and shake uncontrollably. Both done, they did not hold that position too long. With no 'sex towel', love juices spilled out of her as she stood up. Focused on the burning bacon, she quickly turned off the heat the moved the bacon off the burner grill.
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